A friend of the Bajan beauty posted the composite photos on Twitter after Ri revealed she was doing a photo shoot for a new fragrance, aptly named Nude. Two and two makes four and we’re thinking the photo, featuring RiRi returning to shaggy blonde locks (after rocking dreads for her ‘American Idol’ performance and then long, black locks as of late), is for the ad campaign.

RiRi loves to show her skin, so a photo using her forearms as a bra and a censor bar is nothing new in her life nor ours. When you are as sensuous and sultry as Robyn Rihanna Fenty, you want to show off what the good Lord gave ya! It’s a very sultry selection of shots, as Ri’s mouth is agape in several.

The blonde look is temporary. She tweeted that she is back to black: “blonde was just for the shoot! I’m still black.”

We were going to ask if you guys are “over” topless shots of RiRi, but is that actually possible? Not if you are a man with blood coursing through your veins.

Ri also tweeted that Nude is for da ladies and due out at the top of 2013.